Apple CarPlay Maybe Add The Function Of Control Climate Functions And More

Apple CarPlay Maybe Add The Function Of Control Climate Functions And More

Apple CarPlay could control more of your car's equipment, according to a report by Bloomberg.

Then CarPlay will control the a vehicle's climate control system, power seat controls, and all audio functions—not just those of the user's iPhone. Bloomberg notes, however, that project's biggest hurdle will likely be convincing automakers to give Apple access to such features.


Although most automaker's new vehicles are CarPlay compatible, some are still not. This includes Tesla's cars and SUVs. Others, such as Toyota, only recently agreed to add the feature to its vehicles following years of fending the technology giant off. So it may be more likely that after Apple develops it, other manufacturers will consider partnering with Apple as more and more customers express interest in the feature

Regardless, it seems Apple's automotive industry ambitions are by no means waning. Whether this ultimately results in a genuine Apple-badged car or a more deeply ingrained user experience between Apple's technology and various automaker's four-wheeled machines remains to be seen.

January 2,2024 | BY ADMINISTRATOR
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